I’ve always been inspired by Henri Cartier Bresson, even before I knew that the photos were his. How do you take inspiration from your photographic idols?
I think most people would say that it’s based on looking at and analysing their images.

One of the Henri Cartier Bresson’s beautiful photos that I didn’t know was his. Image from Magnum Photos.
Secondly, you might be to get a book from your favourite photographer like I’ve done and add it to your bookshelf. In my experience, not all books are created equal and some are better for getting insights than others.
Another way, if your hero is still alive, they might offer an online course or two that you can check out.
However, there another seldom used way of getting inspiration. One that is especially helpful if the photographer you look up to has passed away.
There’s something about listening to someone’s worldview and seeing how it informs their style. It allows me to get a sense of who they are and how they approach a subject.
For example during a recent trip down the coast, I consciously tried a different approach that was inspired by this video of Henri Cartier Bresson. The man considered to be the best candid photographer of all time.
What do you think?
Inspired by Henri Cartier Bresson
As someone who is often time-constrained and creating scenarios in order to communicate an idea, I can quickly get so engrossed in the picture-making process that I’m not present to life unfolding naturally.
Of course I had read and heard of his thoughts regarding “the decisive moment” but I got something deeper from listening to him talk about it. The way he didn’t force things to be the way he wanted. The way he waiting till he responded to something in the moment.
So I took that inspiration from Henri Cartier Bresson and took it into a weekend with friends.
Instead of forcing the issue, I didn’t try to get great shots. I just clicked the shutter when it felt right.
I know my images are nothing close to what the master created, but ones that I will cherish the images that capture special moments with friends.
Images from the weekend:
Thanks for having a look!
PS I’d love to know what photographer you’d love to see/hear an interview with. Comment below!
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