Photo Proventure

Core Library

The Photo Proventure BookshelfCORE LIBRARY

The Core Library of The Bookshelf contains the books that I feel have been most important to my development as a photographer. These are the books that I think every photog should have in their own library.

You can purchase the books below by following the links to the Book Depository. These links are affiliate links whereby I get a small commission if you purchase a book while you get the same great price you would anyway. The commissions help to give me the ability to improve this site. Win-win if you ask me!

The Passionate Photographer

by Steve Simon

TYPE: Inspiration, Creativity, Motivation

This book is the perfect mix of visual inspiration and action you can take to get creative and improve your photography. Steve has a great way of breaking down the steps to becoming a great photographer. This is the book that convinced me to try “back-button auto-focus”.

Ever photographer should have this photography book in their library.


by David duChemin

TYPE: Inspiration, Creativity, Business

David is so passionate about photographers following their own personal vision to tell stories with their images. This is one of his most popular books because it combines the business of photography with the more artistic, visionary side of things. He mixes his own ideas with vignettes about other photographers who are following their own path into the profession.

This motivational book will inspire you to get out and follow your own photographic vision. What could be better?


50 Portraits

Gregory Heisler

TYPE: Inspiration, Technique, Journey

This is a perfect combination of eye candy, technical info and the story behind the image that I’ve ever read. There’s something about the way Gregory Heisler writes that I really connected with. He didn’t make it seem like he was some expert in an ivory tower. He felt like a fellow photographer/artist who is always in search of his next great photo (although all of his images are beautiful). He struck me as down to earth.

Because of how great a read this was, plus the amazing images, this is an easy recommendation to make.

Purple Cow

by Seth Godin

TYPE: Big Picture, Marketing

Seth’s most famous book is a quick read that provides an alternate view of marketing your product and/or business. How do you create an experience or image that stops people in their tracks? Perhaps this book will give you some ideas.

I’m a huge fan of Seth’s writing and can wholeheartedly suggest that you follow his blog even if you don’t buy this book.

The Personal MBA

by Josh Kaufman

TYPE: Business, Marketing, Processes

I don’t know if I’ve leaned so much about business from any other book. Although quite thick, the concepts in this book are presented in easily understandable chunks. It covers over 200 concepts that cover value creation, marketing, sales, value delivery, finance, the human mind, working with yourself, working with others, understanding systems, analyzing systems, and improving systems.

It’s a real powerhouse of business knowledge.

How to Win Friends & Influence People

by Dale Carnegie

TYPE: People Skills, Relationships, Personal Development

Although the title initially turned me away, I’m so happy that I finally read this classic by Dale Carnegie. Although the language may seem a bit dated, the lessons and parables will remind you of the basic elements of human relationship and if practiced, lead you to greater success.

That’s why this book is part of the Photo Proventure Core Library.

Crucial Conversations

by Patterson, Grenny, McMillan & Switzler

TYPE: People Skills, Relationships, Personal Development

People at work are always hearing about this book when they come to me with a difficult issue that need to be communicated. From a photographer’s perspective, it’s always good to have tools on how to deal with difficult situations that may arise on shoot or with clients. Their methods of breaking down how to have crucial conversations is something you can actually implement.

I highly recommend this book to everyone, not just photographers.

The Three Laws of Performance

by Steve Zaffron & Dave Logan

TYPE: Personal Responsibility, Personal Development, Breakthrough Performance

Have you ever considered that maybe you’re the one that stopping yourself from realizing your own potential and seeing the success that you want so badly? In this book, you get to look at how the stories you tell yourself are limiting what you can accomplish. It is the ideas in this book that made the difference in my choosing to make photography a career.

Dive in, try it on and prepare yourself for a ride.

The Power of Now

by Eckhart Tolle

TYPE: Personal Development, Presence

Some people might be wondering why a book like this made it on the list. I love this book. It is all about finding presence and emptying the mind of the constant chatter that get in the way of seeing the world as it is.

The ability to get present is invaluable to a photographer, as the very act of photography tends to be “in the moment”. It also helps when conditions aren’t ideal. Acceptance of what is allow you be able to focus on solutions. A must read.

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